Grandma Myrtle - 5/11/2023
  • Grandma Myrtle - 5/11/2023

Grandma Myrtle - 5/11/2023

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In November 2023, I went into the absolutely stunning Tarkine forest, and what a place. I connected the Plant Wave to a run of different trees, all which captured my interest through their unique soul and beauty......and sooooo, yessss, this is the first of our plant music videos for this special catalogue. Currently not available anywhere else,

In November 2023, I went into the absolutely stunning Tarkine forest, and what a place. I connected the Plant Wave to a run of different trees, all which captured my interest through their unique soul and beauty......and sooooo, yessss, this is the first of our plant music videos for this special catalogue. Currently not available anywhere else, get this video sent direct to your computer / phone. The perfect gift for yourself or for a loved one. So yes, the sounds you hear are the electrical currents of this grandma Myrtle tree, converted into musical notes, thanks to the plant wave.

Btw. as it's the first video in this catalogue, this one is free!! Free free free.

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